Story behind TIA

Around February 2015, to get rid of our mundane life during weekends we laid down a goal to plant 500 trees in next 5 years. As easy as it sounds, we hit few roadblocks right in the beginning. The first task was to find a space where to start the plantation. We were very clear about this. The land must be barren, unused and completely neglected. Our other concern was since our target was 500 trees there should be abundance availability of water nearby to sustain these plants during summers. We decided to choose two different locations. One along the roadside where we got support of local authorities for future watering needs. The second location was near a hill close to a temple. The temple trust promised to help us with water. Watering itself needs to be done manually. By May 2015, we had planted 50 trees along the roadside and 60 trees on the hills. We didn’t need to worry about the trees planted along the roadside as local authorities kept their promise. Once every week their water tank used to arrive and provide sufficient water to every plant. For the hillside plants, we continued watering every alternate day. That year the monsoon arrived on time and we had a good 3 months break.
2015-16 was a good season as we expanded our team to 20 people and we could manage to plant 150 more trees. The new trees were mostly planted along the roadside and some along the hills. We continued watering the hillside plants and the local authorities took care of the roadside plants.

Things start taking a dramatic turn from 2016-17 season. Number of people regularly participating in watering started dropping and plantation drive continue to rapidly increase. Most of these plantations were done on the adjoining hills. Many such plantation drives were initiated by corporates as a part of their CSIR activity. The problem was there was plenty of public land but no nearby water source to sustain these plants. When we reach out to local residents, we were surprised to see so many people eager to take care of these young plants. But they never knew where these plants are located. It was then I decided to come up with a mobile application that would list these plants with help from residents and way for the plants to communicate to us for their watering and other needs.

This is how the trees along roadside and on the hills looks now after 5 years.